The Oxygen Mask Rule

Traveling can be a slog whether you have MS or not. Last week I flew a few times, traveling to a couple of different cities – Madison WI and Washington DC. The airplane safety run-through at the beginning of the flight stuck with me more while I was traveling this time than others, or so it seems…always secure your oxygen mask first before helping others.

It’s common sense on the plane, right? You need to be able to breathe before you can help anyone else. If you don’t, you are short on oxygen, maybe can’t think well and then maybe even don’t put your mask on right.

This same rule really applies to life, but we often don’t think that way outside of the plane. While it’s so important for everyone to take care of themselves to better help those around them, it’s especially important if you have MS and the fatigue that often goes with the disease.

How often do you focus on your body in a positive and caring way? Do you start the morning grateful to be alive and have a day of opportunity? Maybe you massage your organs or muscles, or have a healthy morning ritual of meditation and clean, good food. If you do, that is great, keep it up – you’re helping yourself be healthy!

Energy easily escapes our bodies when we degrade ourselves or focus on others well being over our own. If you don’t have a morning self-care ritual, try to implement one this week. Take a few minutes before you get out of bed to feel your body and tell yourself how grateful you are to have this day. You can extend that to a little self-love before you eat each meal. Feel you body, give a sore spot a gentle rub and express gratitude for your body, and the parts that are working well at that moment.

Let me know if you feel a little better and if you have more energy in the day.