I’ve been listening to Christmas music a lot the last few weeks – I do wait until after Thanksgiving, but then it’s pretty much all I listen to for the month. Hearing a few versions of The 12 Days of Christmas made me think about a little extra care that I’m going to do starting tomorrow as we lead up to the holiday so I can find peace within every day, even if its only a short time. Maybe you will join me!
I am going to take an extra 12 minutes each day for some self-care activity. This is above my normal routine, and I’m going to try to switch things up each day a little bit. But, for 12 minutes I’m going to do an activity that will connect me back to my physical, energy and spiritual bodies. Here are a few ideas that I’m planning to incorporate; I’ll try to post a video with some more ideas as the days go.
Ready? Set your timer for 12 minutes — if you can’t do that long, break it into 2 blocks of 6 minutes. Give your brain permission to take a break and feel your body without judgement.
Dancing – putting on some joyful music and dancing, letting yourself move without any thoughts.
Mindful breathing – following your breath in and out of your lungs. Feel your chest or belly moving with your breath. If your mind wanders, just bring it back.
Stretching – loosen your joints and stretch your body. Feel your muscles, and stretch only as far as your body will allow.
Tapping – tap your body, just like we do in class. Notice what you are feeling, and focus on where you are tapping.
Chanting – Our bodies respond to everything we say. Maybe you already have a mantra you like to chant; use that. A few months ago, one of my teachers presented the mantra of “Positivity, Positivity, 100% Positivity” and that has stuck with me ever since.
Journaling or Doodling – Get out your journal or some paper and let your creativity flow. Write, draw or make a quick snowflake if you have some scissors!
Mindful Teatime – Make a hot cup of tea or your favorite warm beverage. As you drink it, take time to be grateful for everyone in your life.
Let me know if you have joined the 12 Days of Christmas Self Care, and what is working for you!